Greetings Everyone!!!
And by “everyone” I of course mean Fr. Dziak, any of my
family members who have nothing better to do, and the occasional stalker.
But mostly the first two.
For those of you still uninitiated, “For the Greater Glory”
is a blog for my Ignatius Loyola class this semester, in lieu of a final paper.
Then again, I may post other thoughts, musings, worries, etc. from time to
time. This semester is guaranteed to be an interesting one, so who knows?
The main reason I chose a weekly blog (besides the obvious
elimination of another paper looming over me at the end of the year) is
because… well, I’ve never had a blog before. That being the case, y’all will
have to pardon the lack of inspiration in the décor. As I get more familiar
with this whole interweb, MyFace-ish contraption called Blogger, I hope to hang
a couple pictures on the wall. Maybe bring in a nice area rug or some accent
Not that any of this accounts for why I’m taking the class
in the first place. I mean, what does an engineer need to know about the
Jesuits? Probably nothing. I guess it might help if I ever build a church or
something. Or if I decide building stuff and/or blowing it up isn’t right for
me, then I could always become a priest.
My reasoning was that I’d probably do better in a course
that was less dogmatic, and which I would therefore find more interesting. Then
again, looking at all the readings, quizzes, and exams, interest alone may not
be enough. I guess we’ll all just have to see where I go from here.
In all honesty, though, I’m glad to be in this class, and to
be attending a Jesuit institution. Every semester, I’ve taken a Philosophy or
Religious Studies course, and they never fail to build upon my worldview.
In my freshman seminar I was introduced to Pluralism, in
“Freedom and the Self” I discovered phenomenology (and even learned how to
pronounce it), and in “Making Religion Into Art” I got the crazy idea after
college to go on a journey by foot, never staying in a city for longer than a
day, with nothing but the clothes on my back and a bowl with which to beg for
my food.
Uh… Mom and Dad, y’all can just forget that last part.
In any case, I’m excited to see what this semester brings. I
figure that if I’m going to be in a school named University of Loyola, I should at
least learn a bit about San Ignacio de Loyola.
Plus I heard Father Ted’s a pretty chill guy. And from what
I’ve seen so far, I’m inclined to agree.
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